
刊登日期/ 2025.03.21
領隊 Team Leader :韓泰鉉牧師Pastor Daniel Han
人數 Team Size:33人 members
時間 Dates:3/31-4/19(共20天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
spiritual development course
Sunday services
Discipleship training
Evangelism 、prayer walk and worship
- 代禱事項 Prayer Requests:
1. 團隊合一,互相補足,靠神勝過爭戰。
Unity within the team, supporting one another, and overcoming spiritual battles through God’s strength.
2. 韓牧師與同學們身、心、靈調整完備。
Physical, mental, and spiritual readiness for Pastor Daniel and all participants.
3. 旅程開始到末了,平安滿有恩典。
A journey filled with peace and grace from beginning to end.
4. 在台家人健康平安,讓我們能一無掛慮地服侍。
Health and safety for family members back home, allowing the team to serve without worries.
領隊 Team Leader :廖承增牧師Pastor Liao Cheng-Zeng
人數 Team Size:3人 members
時間 Dates:4/7~4/11 (共5天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
Caring for local ministry workers
Training and equipping
Strengthening connections among local church staff
代禱事項 Prayer Requests :
Pray for the course arrangements—may the pastoral team be filled with wisdom and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they prepare the lessons. May the sessions foster open sharing and learning, bringing deep spiritual impact to the local workers.
2. 為台北母堂教牧團隊與泰北眾同工,在主裏有美好的連結,成為合一相愛的團隊,同心領受主的大使命。
Pray for a strong and unified bond between the Taipei mother church’s pastoral team and the local co-workers in Northern Thailand, that they may work together in love and unity to fulfill the Great Commission.
Pray for the health and spiritual vitality of the three pastors. May God protect their travels, ensuring safety and smooth journeys, keeping them from any harm or obstacles, so they may accomplish His work.
領隊 Team Leader :韓泰鉉、鄭鎮和牧師夫婦 Pastor Daniel & his wife, Jung Jin-Hwa
同工領袖Team Leaders:歐亭君、閻力行、柯婉儀、廖彥婷 Ou Ting-Jun, Yan Li-Xing, Ke Wan-Yi, Liao Yan-Ting
人數 Team Size:49人 members
時間 Dates:4/17~4/24 (共8天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
Street Evangelism – Sharing the Gospel with Koreans and Chinese people
Connecting with Korean Churches – DaJi Church, St. Ann Church, First Chinese Church, Antioch Church
Leading Revival Meetings – Encouraging local churches, praying for Korean believers, and releasing God’s love and blessings
代禱事項 Prayer Requests :
Pray for God’s guidance over the mission team, that they may recognize His work in every decision and activity, fully following His will.
Pray for a strong and unified connection between the mission team and Korean churches, that they may bless one another through their God-given gifts.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in every gathering, bringing comfort and strengthening the Korean churches.
4. 為韓牧師的體力代禱,求神保守他從西班牙朝聖之旅回來後,能夠順利銜接短宣行程。
Pray for Pastor Daniel’s physical strength, that God would sustain him as he transitions from the Spain pilgrimage to this mission trip.
領隊 Team Leader :康仁秀宣教士 Missionary Danny Kang
人數 Team Size:87人 members
時間 Dates:4/19~4/28 (共10天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
1、舉辦兒童營會 Hosting children’s camps
Constructing playgrounds and renovating church facilities
3、家庭探訪 Family visitations
4、校園講座 Campus seminars
5、醫治佈道會 Healing Evangelism Conferences
6、福音佈道會 Gospel Evangelism Conferences
代禱事項 Prayer Requests :
1. 短宣團員出入平安順利,身心靈健康,Super team團隊出埃及靈糧堂同工同心合一面對各樣的變動和挑戰。
Pray for safe travels and good health for all team members. May the Super Team and the Exodus Bread of Life Church in Jakarta remain united in facing any challenges and changes.
2. 讓短宣隊各樣的事工可以帶給雅加達出埃及靈糧堂長遠的效益。
Pray that all mission efforts will bring long-term blessings and impact to the Exodus Bread of Life Church in Jakarta.
3. 為印尼的屬靈氛圍禱告,求神的同在與權柄掌管我們的行程,讓黑暗權勢無法攪擾我們的服事。
Pray for Indonesia’s spiritual atmosphere, that God’s presence and authority will cover the entire journey, preventing any interference from dark forces in the ministry.
領隊 Team Leader :張馨文 Aroma Chang
人數 Team Size:3人 members
時間 Dates:5/1~5/8 (共8天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
Chinese camp
Character-building camp
代禱事項 Prayer Requests :
Pray for the safety and adaptability of the short-term mission team,
as the situation in Myanmar remains unstable.
Pray for smooth communication and agreement between the short-term mission team and the local team.
Pray that the short-term mission team can support and assist the Myanmar youth studying in Taiwan this year.
領隊 Team Leader :唐漢光執事 Deacon stan Tang
人數 Team Size:7人 members
時間 Dates:5/1~5/5 (共5天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
Hosting Gospel seminars for university students
Conducting seminars for workplace managers
Training sessions for the Hanoi Bethel Church staff
代禱事項 Prayer Requests :
1. 為短宣行程出入平安順利,團隊成員同心合意,能敏銳和跟上聖靈的工作
Pray for safe travels and smooth proceedings throughout the mission trip. May the team members be united in spirit, sensitive to, and in step with the work of the Holy Spirit.
2. 為當地福音講座分享的邀約工作與後續跟進有果效禱告
Pray for the effectiveness of the Gospel seminar invitations and follow-up work in reaching hearts for Christ.
3. 為每位團員身心靈各方面的預備,和家人們都能蒙主保守禱告
Pray for the spiritual, physical, and emotional preparation of each team member, and for God’s protection over their families.
同工領袖Team Leaders :
Pastor Liao Cheng-Zeng, Pastor Feng Ren-Di, Pastor Li Zhi-Cheng, Zheng Rui-Hong
人數 Team Size:15人 members
時間 Dates:5/1~5/6 (共6天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
Assisting local co-workers in hosting the Encountering God retreat for the Chinese business community in Serbia.
代禱事項 Prayer Requests :
1. 參與者的屬靈突破與更新: 祈求聖靈大大動工,使每位參加者能夠深刻經歷神的愛與醫治,生命得著改變,與神建立更親密的關係。
Spiritual Breakthrough and Renewal for Participants – Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully, allowing each participant to deeply experience God’s love and healing, leading to life transformation and a closer relationship with Him.
2. 營會的順利進行與保護: 求神保守整個營會的籌備與進行,包括場地、設備、講員、服事團隊等,免受任何攻擊或干擾,使一切按著神的旨意運行。
SmoothPrepration and Protection of the Retreat – Pray for God’s covering over all aspects of the retreat, including venue, equipment, speakers, and service teams, protecting the event from any attacks or disruptions, so that everything may proceed according to His will.
3. 塞爾維亞當地教會與福音果效: 祈求這次營會能夠成為職場的祝福,興起更多基督徒投入服事,並帶來福音的擴展,使更多員工認識基督。
Impact on the Local Church and Gospel Outreach – Pray that this retreat will bless the workplace, inspire more Christians to step into ministry, and contribute to the spread of the Gospel, so that more employees will come to know Christ.
領隊 Team Leader:張新創牧師 Pastor Zhang Xin-Chuang
人數 Team Size:28人 members
時間 Dates:5/26~6/4 (共10天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
Hosting a youth camp (around 200 participants)
Nurturing and training local youth counsellors
代禱事項 Prayer Requests :
Pray for the preparation of the camp curriculum and the physical, mental, and spiritual health of the team members.
Pray for the recruitment of participants for the camp and the arrangement of necessary resources.
Pray for the development of the youth ministry at Sibu Bethel Bread of Life Church.
領隊 Team Leader :樊志勇、劉美慧傳道夫婦
人數 Team Size:15人 members
時間 Dates:4/16~4/20 (共5天days)
任務內容 Purpose & Tasks:
1. 帶領小組
Leading small group sessions
Serving in senior learning activities
Daytime visitations and prayer walks; evening home visitations
Tutoring for junior high and elementary school students
Easter Sunday services
代禱事項 Prayer Requests :
Pray for God’s blessing over both in-person and online ministry, for unity, joy, and effective service within the team.
Pray for God’s anointing on the students and local pastors, Pastor Wen Qing and his wife, that they may work together beautifully to bring the Gospel to the tutoring children and become blessings in the mission field.
Pray for the safety of the team’s travels, that God’s powerful presence would be felt in home visitations, prayer walks in Xianxi’s eight villages, and senior activities, and that many may come to salvation.